In case of alarm activation, the hub’s internal siren sounds 80dB on site, an optional external or wireless siren sounds at 100dB a push notification will be sent to your mobile via the free Smartlife / Tuya APP and in case of arming a mobile sim will send an alarm call or sms to all registered users. The system can be armed/disarmed on site by remote control, fingerprint, touch panel, supplied remote tag or remotely from anywhere with dedicated free mobile application. If the building loses power, the hub’s built-in backup battery provides power for several hours. The home screen shows the current temperature and humidity obtained from location services. The control panel supports up to 40 name descriptions on the app, other sensors will be identified with the zone number.
The ACW-CAT system is miniaturized. The alarm control unit is slightly larger than a smartphone and the sensors are small.
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